Do you snore heavily? High blood pressure? Do you suffer from Diabetes? These related conditions are affecting more and more people.

At the start of this year this year it was reported that poor diabetes care was leading to avoidable deaths, record rates of complications, and huge costs to the health services. It has become a worse problem in the last 6 months. 10% of total healthcare money is spent on this illness and most of the money involved goes on managing the compli...
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Snoring or Sleep Apnea – there’s a whole world of differences involved

It’s not hard to imagine how noise, weather, an unsettled child or a bad day at work could influence how you sleep, but what about the effects of where you live, your ethnicity, your gender, your education, or even your income? It’s been proved there’s a complex web of interactions involved and studying the connection between ethnic groups and ...
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