Ever find yourself clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth? Stop it.

Clenching teeth in a stressful situation is common, scientists say, but there’s a related medical condition that’s much more severe. Called bruxism, which means “to gnash the teeth”, it can cause sore jaw muscles and headaches. In severe cases, people can clench hard enough to crack a tooth. Over the long term, bruxism sufferers gnash their tee...
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Keep that smile on show and don’t let Bruxism grind you down

Do you spend your nights sleeping like a lamb, or do you spend them more like the proverbial crazed rabbit gnawing away incessantly? While most of us are dreaming peacefully, about one in 10 people gnash their teeth and aggressively clench their jaw muscles during sleep. This unintentional workout of the facial muscles leaves behind it a trai...
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